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Mormon First-Sunday Testimonies - Extolling or Rejecting "Lesson 21-Man May Become Like God"

Having spent 30 years as a member of the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints) and as an active true-blue LDS elder, from 1972 until the year 2000, I have probably attended, and participated, in well-over a thousand of the Mormon Sunday get-togethers called sacrament meetings, which regularly comprise a sacrimental ritual of eating leavened white bread and drinking water as a perverted representation of the Lord's supper, described in the New Testament of Holy Bible, and what the Mormon hierarchy calls "talks or mini-sermons," which are regularly demanded of the rank-and-file Mormons chosen from among the active ward memberships, or the local congregations.

Once per month, on the first-Sunday of each month, this particular ritualized sacrament meeting is called a "testimony meeting," wherein devoted Mormons are expected to rise from their pews, walk to the lectern on the elevated podium of a Mormon chapel, and deliver an amplified "testimony" of their belief in Joseph Smith as a prophet, of the Mormon Church as the only true church on the earth, and of their perception of the truth of the Mormon gospel. In the days of my ignorance and sin, I probably expressed hundreds of times from podiums in 20-or-more wards what all of the other true-blue Mormons expressed on those appointed days, words that made the devil grin with smug satisfaction in knowing his domination of those poor souls.

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